Provide Comprehensive Value to your Clients

Add the capabilities to serve your clients comprehensively

Are you an Independent Educational Counselor who wants to make sure your clients are receving financial aid and pricing guidance?

Are you a financial planner or CPA who knows college is a major life expense, requiring your clients need specialized advice to save and spend the right kind of money?

We affiliate with both educational and financial specialists to help clients throughout the process.

Our diverse team and specialized knowledge and skills allow us to provide comprehensive coverage to help your clients.

Complete expertise in all things college planning requires a breadth and depth of knowledge that almost no one possesses by themself.  At Pathways Planning & Insights, we can help you provide the specialized expertise that you don't have so that you can focus on what you do best.  We offer a full complement of specialized modules, conducted by a team of experts who specialize in every aspect of college planning, so that you can meet the needs of every client.

Our organization partners with TuitionFit and College Tuition Advisory Services to provide specialized data on college pricing and financial aid.