
Counselor Education

Our programs empower college and career counselors to ensure that their students successfully navigate the financial considerations of postsecondary planning. Through interactive workshops, reflective conversations, role playing, and take-home resources, we enhance your professional development with the critical expertise counselors need to meet today’s students where they are at.

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Counselor education

About Our Counselor Education Programs

Our counselor education programs are designed to equip school counselors with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively support students and families through the financial decisions that sit at the heart of planning for education after high school.

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Program Highlights

Every program we conduct is custom-designed to meet your specific needs and goals. Some of the workshops we have led in the past include:

Megan Mason
Reframing College to Start with the End in Mind

A focus on getting accepted to a “dream school” at the expense of graduating with financial flexibility has hampered a generation of young adults. This workshop shows counselors how to help students and parents resist that temptation and reframe college as a conduit to the real goal of thriving as an independent young adult.

Megan Mason
From Admissibility to Affordability

The conventional wisdom about the college search process is not a value-neutral set of instructions. This interactive presentation pulls back the curtain on the enrollment management and financial aid leveraging industry, empowering counselors to better guide families and advocate for historically disadvantaged students who seek the economic mobility that education is supposed to provide.

Megan Mason
There is a Pathway for Every Student

The language we use in planning for education after high school is full of hidden bias and often communicates a message that we don’t intend to send. This deeply reflective workshop presents counselors and educators with a way to recognize language choices that can cause harm and provides ways to identify reframing language that increases inclusive empowerment for all students.

Megan Mason
Guiding Students and Families through the Final Stages of the College Choice

Unlike even a decade ago, the first financial aid offer a student receives doesn’t have to be their final price. This workshop provides a framework for counselors to guide students through the appeal process that preserves appropriate counselor boundaries while empowering the student to navigate conflict, uncertainty, and the potential for disappointment.

Schedule a Professional Development Workshop

Schedule an initial conversation with us to build an interactive workshop for your counselors that meets your needs.

Schedule a conversation today

Resources for Counselors

Access a wealth of resources tailored for counselors, including guides, toolkits, and templates to support your work with students.

Workshops & Seminars
Funds for Learning

The range of scholarship and loan options are just the tip of the iceberg of ways to pay for college.

Resource Library
DIY Degree Tools

It’s easier than ever to build your own degree - if you know which tools to use.

Community Support
College Search Sites

There might be more college search tools that there are colleges. Some are junk. But some are not.

What Counselors are Saying

Marianna L.
Spencer B.

Ready to Enhance your Counselor Education?

Equip your counseling team with the knowledge and resources to help students navigate the critical financial issues on their educational pathway to adult thriving.

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Have Questions?

If you have any questions about our Counselor Education programs, feel free to reach out. We're here to help!